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October 26, 2020
Fun in the Metal Shop from Appalachian Quilts

Christmas is coming!  We have six kids (plus significant others) and seven grandkids.  If you let it, things can get expensive.  A few years ago we decided that the adults would each make something for the others rather than spending a bunch of money.  It's been a lot of fun for Hubs and I to see what the kids come up with.  We have actually been pleasantly surprised at their creativity!  I prefer getting something homemade rather than store bought for sentimental reasons.  We had no idea our kids could be so artistic.

Prodigal Son is probably the most ...

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October 5, 2020
Lordy Day! I've been chomping at the bit to post this one! from Appalachian Quilts

Sometimes I have to remind the fellas that we need to post more of what they are doing.  They've been working on this piece and I have been chomping at the bit to show it to you.  A local lady owns an olive oil shop.  She sells olive oil in various vessels, including wine bottles.  She was looking for a custom piece and contacted us.  Going from rough sketches of what she wanted, this is what they came up with:

I just had to show it with and without bottles!  Who knew they had some so close by??  *ahem ...

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July 5, 2020
En Garde! from Appalachian Quilts

While fencing (which we will now refer to as sword fighting, because it just sounds way cooler) actually is believed to trace it's roots back to Spain in the 12th century, France has actually dominated the sport for hundreds of years.  En Garde signals to your opponent to be ready - or as we like to say when we play "ready or not, here I come".

We have a grandson who is obsessed with all things 'manly'.  He loves power tools, tractors....and swords.  His birthday is this month, so Hubs thought it would be a good idea to make ...

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  • from the manshop
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